[HENNA & MOHAMMAD] Love session in San Miguel de Allende
September 6, 2023
Oscar & Antonio Wedding day in Querétaro
November 25, 2023Josué & Manuel
Wedding Day

love_is_lovesession…There is nothing more beautiful than celebrating the love between two people who choose to share their lives. Josué and Manuel are two souls who, in their journey through life, found each other and invited me to witness and be a part of their love story. Together, we went to @opuntia_events, where, under the embrace of the sunset, the sunlight seemed to whisper in every corner of the place, wrapping each moment in pure magic.
Thank you, both, for trusting me to capture your love.
No hay nada más bello que celebrar el amor entre dos personas que eligen compartir sus vidas. Josué y Manuel son dos almas que, en su viaje por la vida, se encontraron y me invitaron a ser testigo y cómplice de su historia de amor. Juntos fuimos a @opuntia_events, donde, bajo el abrazo del atardecer, la luz del sol parecía susurrar en cada rincón del lugar, envolviendo cada momento en pura magia.
Gracias, queridos, por confiar en mí para capturar su amor.